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Data headers for 'CD24_base_2008_jan-mar'

Generation date
ncdump -h
netcdf CD24_base_2008_jan-mar_1_2268583794867217236 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (25 currently)
nv = 2 ;
y = 106 ;
x = 112 ;
z = 1 ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "time_bnds" ;
time:bounds = "time_bnds" ;
time:units = "seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC" ;
double time_bnds(time, nv) ;
time_bnds:units = "seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC" ;
int Lambert_Conformal ;
Lambert_Conformal:earth_radius = 6370.f ;
Lambert_Conformal:false_easting = -1398.f ;
Lambert_Conformal:false_easting_unit = "km" ;
Lambert_Conformal:false_northing = -1191.f ;
Lambert_Conformal:false_northing_unit = "km" ;
Lambert_Conformal:grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic" ;
Lambert_Conformal:latitude_of_projection_origin = 55. ;
Lambert_Conformal:longitude_of_central_meridian = 10. ;
Lambert_Conformal:standard_parallel = 30., 60. ;
Lambert_Conformal:standard_parallel_1 = 30. ;
Lambert_Conformal:standard_parallel_2 = 60. ;
float lat(y, x) ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degree_north" ;
lat:var_desc = "Latitude is positive northward; its units of degree_north (or equivalent) indicate this explicitly. In a latitude-longitude system defined with respect to a rotated North Pole, the standard name of grid_latitude should be used instead of latitude. Grid latitude is positive in the grid-northward direction, but its units should be plain degree." ;
float lon(y, x) ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degree_east" ;
lon:var_desc = "Longitude is positive eastward; its units of degree_east (or equivalent) indicate this explicitly. In a latitude-longitude system defined with respect to a rotated North Pole, the standard name of grid_longitude should be used instead of longitude. Grid longitude is positive in the grid-eastward direction, but its units should be plain degree." ;
float x(x) ;
x:comment = "NOTE: The grid cells are not perfectly 24 x 24 km2 in size when the earth is no sphere, which is assumed for this projection." ;
x:long_name = "x coordinate of projection" ;
x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
x:units = "km" ;
float y(y) ;
y:comment = "NOTE: The grid cells are not perfectly 24 x 24 km2 in size when the earth is no sphere, which is assumed for this projection." ;
y:long_name = "y coordinate of projection" ;
y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
y:units = "km" ;
float land_frac(y, x) ;
land_frac:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
land_frac:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
land_frac:long_name = "land_area_fraction" ;
land_frac:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
land_frac:standard_name = "land_area_fraction" ;
land_frac:units = "1" ;
land_frac:var_desc = "\'X_area_fraction\' means the fraction of horizontal area occupied by X. \'X_area\' means the horizontal area occupied by X within the grid cell. Fraction of the grid cell covered by land." ;
float land_mask(y, x) ;
land_mask:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
land_mask:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
land_mask:long_name = "land_binary_mask" ;
land_mask:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
land_mask:standard_name = "land_binary_mask" ;
land_mask:units = "1" ;
land_mask:var_desc = "X_binary_mask has 1 where condition X is met, 0 elsewhere. 1 = land, 0 = sea." ;
double lat_bnds(y, x, nv) ;
double lon_bnds(y, x, nv) ;
float gas_hno3(time, z, y, x) ;
gas_hno3:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
gas_hno3:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
gas_hno3:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
gas_hno3:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitric_acid_in_air" ;
gas_hno3:units = "kg m-3" ;
gas_hno3:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitric_acid_in_air" ;
gas_hno3:var_desc = "mass concentration of gaseous HNO3 (nitric acid)" ;
float gas_nh3(time, z, y, x) ;
gas_nh3:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
gas_nh3:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
gas_nh3:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
gas_nh3:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_ammonia_in_air" ;
gas_nh3:units = "kg m-3" ;
gas_nh3:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_ammonia_in_air" ;
gas_nh3:var_desc = "mass concentration of gaseous NH3 (ammonia)" ;
float gas_no(time, z, y, x) ;
gas_no:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
gas_no:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
gas_no:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
gas_no:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air" ;
gas_no:units = "kg m-3" ;
gas_no:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air" ;
gas_no:var_desc = "mass concentration of gaseous NO (nitrogen monoxide)" ;
float gas_no2(time, z, y, x) ;
gas_no2:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
gas_no2:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
gas_no2:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
gas_no2:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitrogen_dioxide_in_air" ;
gas_no2:units = "kg m-3" ;
gas_no2:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitrogen_dioxide_in_air" ;
gas_no2:var_desc = "mass concentration of gaseous NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)" ;
float gas_o3(time, z, y, x) ;
gas_o3:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
gas_o3:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
gas_o3:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
gas_o3:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_ozone_in_air" ;
gas_o3:units = "kg m-3" ;
gas_o3:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_ozone_in_air" ;
gas_o3:var_desc = "mass concentration of gaseous O3 (ozone)" ;
float gas_so2(time, z, y, x) ;
gas_so2:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
gas_so2:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
gas_so2:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
gas_so2:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_sulfur_dioxide_in_air" ;
gas_so2:units = "kg m-3" ;
gas_so2:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_sulfur_dioxide_in_air" ;
gas_so2:var_desc = "mass concentration of gaseous SO2 (sulfur dioxide)" ;
float tsp_cl(time, z, y, x) ;
tsp_cl:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tsp_cl:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
tsp_cl:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
tsp_cl:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_chloride_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_cl:units = "kg m-3" ;
tsp_cl:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_chloride_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_cl:var_desc = "mass concentration of Cl- (chloride) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain chloride; standard_name does not exist but is consistent with the standard_names of other particulate species; the standard_name is ambiguous (but consistent)" ;
float tsp_nh4(time, z, y, x) ;
tsp_nh4:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tsp_nh4:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
tsp_nh4:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
tsp_nh4:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_nh4:units = "kg m-3" ;
tsp_nh4:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_nh4:var_desc = "mass concentration of NH4+ (ammonium) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain ammonium; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity" ;
float tsp_no3(time, z, y, x) ;
tsp_no3:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tsp_no3:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
tsp_no3:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
tsp_no3:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_no3:units = "kg m-3" ;
tsp_no3:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_no3:var_desc = "mass concentration of NO3- (nitrate) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain nitrate; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity" ;
float tsp_seasaltcat(time, z, y, x) ;
tsp_seasaltcat:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tsp_seasaltcat:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
tsp_seasaltcat:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
tsp_seasaltcat:units = "kg m-3" ;
tsp_seasaltcat:standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_sea_salt_dry_aerosol_particles_expressed_as_cations_in_air" ;
tsp_seasaltcat:long_name = "mass_fraction_of_sea_salt_dry_aerosol_particles_expressed_as_cations_in_air" ;
tsp_seasaltcat:var_desc = "mass concentration of particulate sea salt; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain sea salt; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity; sum of ANAJ and ANAK (J and K mode sodium); In CMAQ with AERO5, all sea salt cations are represented by sodium." ;
float tsp_so4(time, z, y, x) ;
tsp_so4:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
tsp_so4:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
tsp_so4:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
tsp_so4:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_so4:units = "kg m-3" ;
tsp_so4:long_name = "mass_concentration_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air" ;
tsp_so4:var_desc = "mass concentration of SO4-- (sulfate) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain sulfate; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity" ;
float wdep_nox(time, z, y, x) ;
wdep_nox:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
wdep_nox:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
wdep_nox:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
wdep_nox:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
wdep_nox:var_desc = "sum of gaseous NO, NO2, HNO3, N2O5, HONO, NO3, PNA, and PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrate) and particulate NO3- (I, J and K modes)" ;
wdep_nox:standard_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition" ;
wdep_nox:long_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition" ;
float wdep_nred(time, z, y, x) ;
wdep_nred:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
wdep_nred:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
wdep_nred:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
wdep_nred:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
wdep_nred:var_desc = "sum of gaseous NH3 and particulate NH4+ (I, J and K modes)" ;
wdep_nred:standard_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition" ;
wdep_nred:long_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition" ;
float ddep_nox(time, z, y, x) ;
ddep_nox:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
ddep_nox:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
ddep_nox:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
ddep_nox:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
ddep_nox:var_desc = "sum of gaseous NO, NO2, HNO3, N2O5, HONO, NO3, and PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrate) and particulate NO3- (I, J and K modes)" ;
ddep_nox:standard_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition" ;
ddep_nox:long_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition" ;
float ddep_nred(time, z, y, x) ;
ddep_nred:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
ddep_nred:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
ddep_nred:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
ddep_nred:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
ddep_nred:var_desc = "sum of gaseous NH3 and particulate NH4+ (I, J and K modes)" ;
ddep_nred:standard_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition" ;
ddep_nred:long_name = "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition" ;
float precip_conv(time, z, y, x) ;
precip_conv:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
precip_conv:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
precip_conv:long_name = "lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount" ;
precip_conv:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
precip_conv:standard_name = "lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount" ;
precip_conv:units = "m" ;
precip_conv:var_desc = "convective (unresolved/small-scale) precipitation" ;
float precip_strati(time, z, y, x) ;
precip_strati:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
precip_strati:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
precip_strati:long_name = "lwe_thickness_of_stratiform_precipitation_amount" ;
precip_strati:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
precip_strati:standard_name = "lwe_thickness_of_stratiform_precipitation_amount" ;
precip_strati:units = "m" ;
precip_strati:var_desc = "stratiform (resolved/large-scale) precipitation" ;
float mixing_ratio(time, z, y, x) ;
mixing_ratio:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
mixing_ratio:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
mixing_ratio:long_name = "humidity_mixing_ratio" ;
mixing_ratio:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
mixing_ratio:standard_name = "humidity_mixing_ratio" ;
mixing_ratio:units = "1" ;
mixing_ratio:var_desc = "Humidity mixing ratio of a parcel of moist air is the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air. Also denoted \'as water vapor mixing ratio\'. Unit could be also kg/kg." ;
float plev(time, z, y, x) ;
plev:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
plev:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
plev:long_name = "air_pressure" ;
plev:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
plev:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;
plev:units = "Pa" ;
plev:var_desc = "air pressure in the ground layer" ;
float rho(time, z, y, x) ;
rho:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
rho:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
rho:long_name = "air_density" ;
rho:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
rho:standard_name = "air_density" ;
rho:units = "kg m-3" ;
rho:var_desc = "density of air: MM5-total density, WRF-dry density" ;
float ta(time, z, y, x) ;
ta:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
ta:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
ta:long_name = "air_temperature" ;
ta:missing_value = -9.e+33f ;
ta:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
ta:units = "K" ;
ta:var_desc = "air temperature in the ground layer (not 2m and not 10m temperature)" ;

// global attributes:
:contact = "Volker Matthias" ;
:contact_email = "
" ;
:originator = "Daniel Neumann" ;
:contributor_name = "Volker Matthias, Johannes Bieser, Armin Aulinger" ;
:institution = "Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, Institute of Coastal Research, Geesthacht, Germany" ;
:source = "model: CMAQ v5.0.1 cb05tump ae5; grid/domain: 24x24 km2 grid covering Northwestern Europe, North Sea and Baltic Sea (CD24); emissions: SMOKE for Europe + shipping emissions based on SHEBA + sea salt emissions inline (GO03); boundary conditions: 72x72 km2 (CD72) grid covering Europe, which gets boundary conditions from TM5; initial condition: initial conditions profile; hardware: Ocean, HZG; compiler set: PGI compiler collection v14.1; meteo: COSMO-CLM reanalysis for coastDat2" ;
:summary = "Standard CMAQ Model run over Northwestern Europe for the year 2008" ;
:standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Names 1.6" ;
:title = "Concentrations of gaseous pollutants and particulate compounds over Northwestern Europe and nitrogen deposition into the North and Baltic Sea in 2008" ;
:creationTime = "2015-04-02T12:00:00Z" ;
:date_created = "2015-04-02" ;
:date_modified = "2017-03-11" ;
:crs = "spherical earth, R = 6370 km" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
:NCO = "4.4.4" ;
:history = "Wed Sep 6 10:34:59 2017: ncatted -a long_name,gas_no,o,c,mass_concentration_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air -a long_name,gas_no2,o,c,mass_concentration_of_nitrogen_dioxide_in_air -a long_name,gas_so2,o,c,mass_concentration_of_sulfur_dioxide_in_air -a long_name,gas_hno3,o,c,mass_concentration_of_nitric_acid_in_air -a long_name,gas_nh3,o,c,mass_concentration_of_ammonia_in_air -a long_name,gas_o3,o,c,mass_concentration_of_ozone_in_air -a long_name,tsp_so4,o,c,mass_concentration_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air -a long_name,tsp_no3,o,c,mass_concentration_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air -a long_name,tsp_nh4,o,c,mass_concentration_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air -a long_name,tsp_cl,o,c,mass_concentration_of_chloride_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air -a long_name,tsp_seasaltcat,o,c,mass_fraction_of_sea_salt_dry_aerosol_particles_expressed_as_cations_in_air -a long_name,wdep_nox,o,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition -a long_name,wdep_nred,o,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition -a long_name,ddep_nox,o,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition -a long_name,ddep_nred,o,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition -a var_desc,gas_no,o,c,mass concentration of gaseous NO (nitrogen monoxide) -a var_desc,gas_no2,o,c,mass concentration of gaseous NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) -a var_desc,gas_so2,o,c,mass concentration of gaseous SO2 (sulfur dioxide) -a var_desc,gas_hno3,o,c,mass concentration of gaseous HNO3 (nitric acid) -a var_desc,gas_nh3,o,c,mass concentration of gaseous NH3 (ammonia) -a var_desc,gas_o3,o,c,mass concentration of gaseous O3 (ozone) -a var_desc,tsp_so4,o,c,mass concentration of SO4-- (sulfate) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain sulfate; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity -a var_desc,tsp_no3,o,c,mass concentration of NO3- (nitrate) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain nitrate; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity -a var_desc,tsp_nh4,o,c,mass concentration of NH4+ (ammonium) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain ammonium; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity -a var_desc,tsp_cl,o,c,mass concentration of Cl- (chloride) in the particle phase; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain chloride; standard_name does not exist but is consistent with the standard_names of other particulate species; the standard_name is ambiguous (but consistent) -a var_desc,tsp_seasaltcat,o,c,mass concentration of particulate sea salt; DOES NOT describe total mass of particles that contain sea salt; standard_name might be deprecated in future due to ambiguity; sum of ANAJ and ANAK (J and K mode sodium); In CMAQ with AERO5, all sea salt cations are represented by sodium.\nTue Jul 11 18:27:47 2017: ncatted -a standard_name,tsp_seasaltcat,m,c,mass_fraction_of_sea_salt_dry_aerosol_particles_expressed_as_cations_in_air -a standard_name,wdep_nox,m,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition -a standard_name,wdep_nred,m,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition -a standard_name,ddep_nox,m,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_oxidized_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition -a standard_name,ddep_nred,m,c,tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_reduced_nitrogen_compounds_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition" ;