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Data headers for 'MAECS_biogeochem_CH_ds3'

Generation date
ncdump -h
netcdf MAECS_biogeochem_CH_ds3_1_2520618681057973069 {
time = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)
y = 94 ;
x = 137 ;
float Chl(time, y, x) ;
Chl:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Chl chl" ;
Chl:units = "mg m-3" ;
Chl:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
Chl:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
Chl:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float DIN(time, y, x) ;
DIN:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen DIN nutN" ;
DIN:units = "mmol-N m-3" ;
DIN:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
DIN:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
DIN:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float DIP(time, y, x) ;
DIP:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus DIP nutP" ;
DIP:units = "mmol-P m-3" ;
DIP:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
DIP:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
DIP:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float Phy-C(time, y, x) ;
Phy-C:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Phytplankton Carbon phyC" ;
Phy-C:units = "mmol-C m-3" ;
Phy-C:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
Phy-C:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
Phy-C:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float Phy-N(time, y, x) ;
Phy-N:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Phytplankton Nitrogen phyN" ;
Phy-N:units = "mmol-N m-3" ;
Phy-N:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
Phy-N:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
Phy-N:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float Phy-P(time, y, x) ;
Phy-P:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Phytplankton Phosphorus phyP" ;
Phy-P:units = "mmol-P m-3" ;
Phy-P:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
Phy-P:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
Phy-P:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float Zoo-C(time, y, x) ;
Zoo-C:long_name = "m.a.e.c.s. Zooplankton Carbon zooC" ;
Zoo-C:units = "mmol-C m-3" ;
Zoo-C:_FillValue = -2.e+20f ;
Zoo-C:missing_value = -2.e+20f ;
Zoo-C:cooordinates = "lon lat" ;
float lat(y, x) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
float lon(y, x) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:units = "seconds since 2009-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:calendar = "standard" ;

// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:title = "Southern North Sea" ;
:NCO = "\"4.5.4\"" ;
:nco_openmp_thread_number = 1 ;
:history_of_appended_files = "Tue Mar 6 13:32:08 2018: Appended file /home/onur/WORK/projects/WFD_scenarios/doc/eutrophication_sns_p2_ms/PANGEA/ had following \"history\" attribute:\n",
"Tue Mar 6 13:12:32 2018: ncrename -O -v latx,lat -v lonx,lon /home/onur/WORK/projects/WFD_scenarios/doc/eutrophication_sns_p2_ms/PANGEA/ /home/onur/WORK/projects/WFD_scenarios/doc/eutrophication_sns_p2_ms/PANGEA/\n",
"Tue Mar 6 13:12:32 2018: ncks -d x,2,-2 -d y,4,-3 -d x_T,1,-2 -d y_T,4,-2 -v lonx,latx,bathymetry /home/onur/WORK/projects/GB/data/topo/ /home/onur/WORK/projects/WFD_scenarios/doc/eutrophication_sns_p2_ms/PANGEA/\n",
"Fri Oct 26 10:44:55 2012: ncap2 -s convx=convx*(-1.)\n",
"" ;
:institution = "Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal Research, Germany" ;
:originator = "Onur Kerimoglu" ;
:contact = "
" ;
:crs = "WGS84" ;
:geospatial_lon_min = 1.9f ;
:geospatial_lon_max = 12.1f ;
:geospatial_lat_min = 52.8f ;
:geospatial_lat_max = 57.3f ;
:source = "GETM (shaid:88488ccc)-GOTM(shaid:b053149c)-MAECS(shaid:97344b1)" ;
:creation_date = "2017-11-25T00:03:04" ;
:experiment_id = "Standard model run as described in Kerimoglu et al. 2017 Biogeosciences" ;
:comment = "vertically averaged monthly means" ;
:history = "Wed Mar 7 19:47:21 2018: ncrename -O -v hzg_maecs_phyC,Phy-C -v hzg_maecs_phyN,Phy-N -v hzg_maecs_phyP,Phy-P -v hzg_maecs_zooC,Zoo-C -v hzg_maecs_chl,Chl -v hzg_maecs_nutN,DIN -v hzg_maecs_nutP,DIP" ;