Improved Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere by Adjusting Gravity Wave Drag Parameterisations in Seasonal Experiments with ICON-NWP

Koehler, Raphael et al.

Data used to generate the figures of the paper "Improved Stratospheric Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere by Adjusting Gravity Wave Drag Parameterisations in Seasonal Experiments with ICON-NWP" by Köhler et al. (2021). The data is grouped into the 4 ICON-experiments (ctl, nogwd-, sso-, gwd-) and the ERA-Interim data. ERAI data is based on the ERA-Interim reanalysis which is described in Dee et al. (2011). The nomenclature of the experiments is according to the paper and for each experiment there is one tar.gz folder. The subfolders indicate which data was used for which part of the paper: 6 figures and data used to calculate Major Stratospheric Warmings (MSWs). All files are in NetCDF format, except the data for figure 5, which is in ASCII format. For further information on the setup of the experiments and the methods please refer to the paper. The ICON model is distributed under an institutional license. A licence can be obtained in contact to DWD via
or by following the information on the public ICON website For further questions related to the data please contact

Short description of the data in the subfolders (due to changes in the revision process the names of the subfolders do not necessarily correspond to the actual figures):

fig1: Ensemble mean, maximum, minimum and standard deviation over all years of zonal mean daily mean zonal wind u. For ERAI no ensemble mean. Data used for paper Figure 1.

fig2: Polar cap mean of daily mean zonal wind for all 38 years (Sep - May) and the 5 ensemble members (083112, 083118, 090100, 090106, 090112). Years are given for the start year of the simulation. No ensemble members for ERAI.
Data used for paper Figure 2.

tab2: Root mean squared error of the ICON simulations compared to ERA-Interim. Monthly mean errors of MSLP and zonal wind u for the different experiments. Data used for paper Figure 3.

fig3: Root mean squared error of the ICON simulations compared to ERA-Interim. For each experiment the zonal mean, monthly mean error of MSLP and u is given and the field mean error from 50-70°N of u. Data used for paper Figure 4.

fig4: Zonal mean empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of geopotential (EOFgph*) for different heights and according standardised principle component time series (PCgph*). EOF is given from South (~20°N) to North (~90°N) and all 5 EOF in a row. The 5 PC are given in the 5 columns. The time series over the whole period for each ensemble member are concatenated. Please take into account the sign of the EOF. No ensemble members for ERAI.
Data used for paper Figure 5.

fig5: Monthly mean MSLP data for all years and ensemble members. No ensemble members for ERAI.
Data used for paper Figure 6.

data_for_msw: Data used for the calculation of MSWs. Zonal mean, daily mean temperature and zonal wind for all years and ensemble members. This data is used for paprt Figures 3 and 5. No ensemble members for ERAI.
DKRZ_lta (Long-term Archiving of Climate Model Data at WDC Climate and DKRZ (DOKU))
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90 Altitude: 100000 Pa to 10 Pa
Temporal Coverage
1979-09-01 to 2017-05-31
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Cite as
Koehler, Raphael; Handorf, Dörthe; Jaiser, Ralf; Dethloff, Klaus; Zängl, Günther; Majewski, Detlev; Rex, Markus (2020). Data: Improved Stratospheric Circulation Due to Changes in the Gravity Wave Drag Parameterisations in ICON-NWP. DOKU at DKRZ.

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Klimavariabilitaet des gekoppelten Atmosphaere-Ozean-Systems mit vereinfachter stratosphaerischer Chemie
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