QC History for cmip5/output1/NCC/NorESM1-ME/rcp60

QC Results are available at: http://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/CMIP5/QCResult.jsp?experiment=cmip5/output1/NCC/NorESM1-ME/rcp60

Status Explanation:
QCL2_started: QC Level 2 checks are ongoing.
QCL2_assigned: QC Level 2 is assigned to the experiment.
QCL3_started: QC Level 3 checks are ongoing.
QCL3_assigned: QC Level 3 is assigned to the experiment and the data is DOI published according to the DataCite regulations [http://datacite.org/]. This data, its basic metadata and its DOI are persistent.
QCL1: The data of the experiment is withdrawn and waiting for a QC Level 2 check restart.

Last Change Revision of QC L2 Status Comment
2012-12-14T11:36:16 4 QCL3_assigned QC Level set to QCL3_assigned (2012-12-14 11:36:16 UTC): doi:10.1594/WDCC/CMIP5.NCCNEr6 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/CMIP5.NCCNEr6 ]; QC Level2 assigned at 2012-11-16 07:57:15 UTC: confirmed by Ingo Bethke for v20121113: mon.aero and Amon chunks were created on different machines causing small deviations in lat and lat_bnd field sizes; reference time change between chunks for most monthly variables.
2012-11-16T07:26:38 4 QCL2_assigned QC Level2 assigned at 2012-11-16 07:57:15 UTC: confirmed by Ingo Bethke for v20121113: mon.aero and Amon chunks were created on different machines causing small deviations in lat and lat_bnd field sizes; reference time change between chunks for most monthly variables.
2012-11-16T07:26:38 4 QCL2_started -
2012-11-12T09:48:59 3 QCL2_started -
2012-11-05T09:17:19 2 QCL2_started -
2012-07-06T05:29:59 1 QCL2_started -

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