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References for entry 'IPCC AR6 WGI Relative Sea Level Projection Distributions'

Reference details

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Description of the relationship of the resource being registered (A) and the related resource (B): IsDocumentedBy indicates B is documentation about/explaining A; e.g. points to software documentation [DataCite relationType]
IPCC AR6 Sea Level Projections
Garner, G. G.; Hermans, T.; Kopp, R. E.; Slangen, A. B. A.; Edwards, T. L.; Levermann, A.; Nowicki, S.; Palmer, M. D.; Smith, C.; Fox-Kemper, B.; Hewitt, H. T.; Xiao, C.; Aðalgeirsdóttir, G.; Drijfhout, S. S.; Golledge, N. R.; Hemer, M.; Krinner, G.; Mix, A.; Notz, D.; Nurhati, I. S.; Ruiz, L.; Sallée, J-B.; Yu, Y.; Hua, L.; Palmer, T.; Pearson, B.
Publication date
Access specification
electronic publication