dphase_lmeuro: COSMO-ME model forecasts (7km) run by Italian Met. Service CNMCA for the MAP D-PHASE project


Torrisi, Lucio

COSMO-ME is the high-resolution operational implementation of COSMO Model at the National Meteorological Service of Italy.
The model domain covers most of continental Europe and the entire Mediterranean Basin. The horizontal resolution is 7km (0.0625deg) with 40 vertical levels.
The model is routinely run on the ECMWF super-computer once a day at 00Z with hourly output.
The initial conditions are interpolated from the Italian Met. Service 3DVAR-FGAT data assimilation system.
The boundary conditions (BC) are provided by IFS global model.

Grid description:
DDOM: xfirst: -5.875 yfirst: -14.312 xsize: 194.0 ysize: 112.0 xinc: 0.0625 yinc: 0.0625 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 32.5
DPHASE (D-PHASE, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region)
Lucio Torrisi (
D-PHASE region (DDOM)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 2 to 18 Latitude 43 to 50 Altitude: 0 m relativ to NN
Temporal Coverage
2007-06-01 to 2007-11-30 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only. No commercial use allowed. Please be aware of the common COPS/GOP/D-PHASE data policy (http://cops.wdc-climate.de/)
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
46.20 GiB (49608457052 Byte)
GRIB1; records separated, XML
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
Torrisi, Lucio (2009). dphase_lmeuro: COSMO-ME model forecasts (7km) run by Italian Met. Service CNMCA for the MAP D-PHASE project. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/dphase_lmeuro

According to agreements within DPHASE data from timesteps not delivered in time could be missing. In this case a dummy file was created and inserted in the database.
Findable: 6 of 7 level;
Accessible: 2 of 3 level;
Interoperable: 3 of 4 level;
Reusable: 4 of 10 level
F-UJI online v2.2.1 automated
Method Description
Checks performed by WDCC. Metrics documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081213 Metric Version: metrics_v0.5
Method Url
Result Date
Quality control:
- control of 'CERA UI Compact' metadata by author
- control of file transfer with check sum
- check of start and end date with qual.sh (APR 2009)
- check of number of data points with qual.sh (APR 2009)
- check continous time with cera_check.check_continuous_time.CHECK_EXPERIMENT (APR 2009)
QA checklist manual
Method Description
Checks performed by WDCC and author.
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

Attached Datasets ( 5 )

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[Entry acronym: dphase_lmeuro] [Entry id: 2155974]