D-PHASE, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region

D-PHASE, Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine region
The Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP, the first WWRP Research and Development Project (RDP)) is an international research initiative devoted to the study of atmospheric and hydrological processes over mountainous terrain. It aims towards expanding our knowledge of weather and climate over complex topography, and thereby to improve current forecasting capabilities. A large-scale field phase in the Alpine region took place from 7 September to 15 November 1999.
D-PHASE (Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation
of flood Events in the Alpine region) is a WWRP Forecast Demonstration Project (FDP) and aims at demonstrating some of the many achievements of MAP, in particular the ability of forecasting heavy precipitation and related flooding events in the Alpine region. The MAP FDP will address the entire forecasting chain ranging from limited-area ensemble forecasting, high-resolution atmospheric modelling(km-scale), hydrological modelling, and nowcasting to decision making by the end users, i.e., it is foreseen to set up an end-to-end forecasting system. The demonstration period of MAP D-PHASE will be 1 June to 30 November 2007. See also official homepage: http://www.map.meteoswiss.ch/map-doc/dphase/dphase_info.htm

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