REMO SCENARIO RUN, QUIRCS Project, 1/6 degree resolution, RUN No. 001017, 1H data

Jacob, Daniela

IVECC-impact of vegetation on regional climate and climate change simulations contributes to the joint projct QUIRCS-quantification of uncertainties in regional climate and climate change simulations. Quircs is a joint project within the Klimaforschungsprogramm DEKLIM sponsored by BMBF (project number 01LD0026).
A reliable assessment of future climate development requires an improved understanding of climate and its variability as well as a detailed knowledge of the uncertainties of the climate simulations which provide the requested information about possible future changes. This project focuses on the climate patterns of Central Europe and investigates the quality of currently used regional climate models and regionalization techniques by a model intercomparison, a substantial model evaluation, additional sensitivity studies and an extensive analysis of climate data. The major scientific aims are
- to quantify the uncertainties of regional climate simulations and of observed climate data,
- to investigate the sensitivity of regional climate simulations and interpolated climate data to the influence of different model parameters and data processing techniques,
- and to produce a regional climate change scenario for Europe and particularly for Germany.
To achieve this, a set of common model experiments and data evaluations are realized together with individual sensitivity studies and data preparations by the six project partners. The REMO model is used to carry out a baseline simulation for todays climate and for a control and climate change scenario. The scenario run is covering the time period 2070-2100 with a horizontal resolution of 1/6 degree. This REMO run is nested into an 1 degree REMO run, which has the boundary conditions of an ECHAM4-T106 run with the SST of the ECHAM4/OPYC3-T42 (GSDIO) run for this time period.
QUIRCS (Quantification of Uncertainties In Regional Climate and climate change Simulations)
REMO model region
Spatial Coverage
Longitude -150 to 90 Latitude 30 to 90 Altitude: -5.7 m to 10 m
Temporal Coverage
2070-01-01 to 2100-01-01 (calendrical)
Use constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
9.46 TiB (10406807873280 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
Jacob, Daniela (2004). REMO SCENARIO RUN, QUIRCS Project, 1/6 degree resolution, RUN No. 001017, 1H data. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

Each record provides header information.
Meaning of header elements:
IPDB( 7)=Codenummr (s.Liste)
IPDB( 8)=Leveltyp (1=Boden, 102 Meereshoehe, 105 Hoehe ueber Grund)
IPDB(10)=Level (0=Boden,Meereshohe; wenn IPDB(8)=105 dann Hoehe in m)
IGDB( 5)=Dimension-x
IGDB( 6)=Dimension-y
IGDB( 7)=Breite der linken unteren Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB( 8)=Laenge der linken unteren Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB(10)=Breite der rechten oberen Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB(11)=Laenge der rechten oberen Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB(12)=Laengeninkrement in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System (1/6 Grad=167)
IGDB(13)=Breiteninkrement in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System (1/6 Grad=167)
IGDB(17)=Breite des rotierten Suedpols in realen Koordinaten in 10**3 Grad
IGDB(18)=Laenge des rotierten Suedpols in realen Koordinaten in 10**3 Grad
5)= 289
6)= 321
7)= -34000
8)= -19500
10)= 19333
11)= 28500
13)= 167 (0.166667)
14)= 167 (0.166667)
17)= -32500
18)= 10000
as consistent as the model is (REMO 1.5)
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

Is documented by

[1] Jacob, Daniela. (2004). The REMO Model.

Attached Datasets ( 109 )

Details for selected entry
[Entry acronym: REMO_QUIRCS_SCE_R001017_1H] [Entry id: 2031834]